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The Palgrave Handbook of Unconventional Risk Transfer

Solodkov V. M., Tsyganova Y.

Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions by emerging country banks: What do acquisition premiums tell us?

Yildirim C., Tensaout M., Belousova V.

Research in International Business and Finance. 2023. Vol. 66.

Book chapter
Post-industrial, Post-pandemic? The Service Economy in the Wake of COVID-19

Belousova V., Chichkanov N., Krayushkina Z. et al.

In bk.: COVID-19 and Society. Socio-Economic Perspectives on the Impact, Implications, and Challenges. Cham: Springer, 2022. Ch. 6. P. 95-128.

Working paper
Bank Market Power and Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence from Loan-Level Data

Popova S., Ivanova N. S., Styrin K.

Bank of Russia Working Paper Series. Серия докладов об экономических исследованиях. Банк России, 2024

The Central Bank announced financial literacy lessons for schoolchildren

The Central Bank announced the introduction of compulsory financial literacy classes for students of grades 1-9 in the school course. Training according to the new educational standards is planned to begin on September 1, 2021.

The Central Bank announced financial literacy lessons for schoolchildren

The course will be taught not as a separate subject, but within the framework of other disciplines: social studies, mathematics, the surrounding world. According to experts, this is a timely decision: the level of financial literacy of the population is low, so you should teach basic things from school.
In primary school, students will learn the rules of safe behavior on the Internet, including when making financial transactions, as well as analyze income and expenses and make a financial plan.
Students of grades 5-9 will be told about the risks of entrepreneurial activity, unfair practices of financial organizations, various types of financial fraud. In mathematics, they will be taught to calculate the price of goods, the cost of purchases and services, taxes. In geography, students will be given definitions of the quality of human life, family and financial well-being.

Vasily Solodkov, Director of the HSE Banking Institute, noted that this course will be extremely relevant and outlined the main problems.
Special attention was focused on the so-called social engineering, telephone fraud. According to Solodkov, law enforcement agencies are not sufficiently engaged in this problem, and they cannot solve it even despite the fact that according to the so called "Yarovaya law", operators must keep records of telephone conversations. People are "caught" on such calls, transferring their money to attackers. The expert noted, that even professors with higher education become victims.
On the one hand, schools should provide an opportunity to increase the level of financial literacy, Vasily Solodkov notes. On the other hand, there must be a need for this among the people themselves. For example, if a large part of the population does not have bank deposits and lives "until paycheck", then, by and large, it is not much needed. Students need to be told the most basic things, the expert believes.