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101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya str. bld.20, office 541

+7 (495) 772 95 90 add. 22463/ 22484/ 22454

e-mail: bank@hse.ru

The Palgrave Handbook of Unconventional Risk Transfer

Solodkov V. M., Tsyganova Y.

Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions by emerging country banks: What do acquisition premiums tell us?

Yildirim C., Tensaout M., Belousova V.

Research in International Business and Finance. 2023. Vol. 66.

Book chapter
Post-industrial, Post-pandemic? The Service Economy in the Wake of COVID-19

Belousova V., Chichkanov N., Krayushkina Z. et al.

In bk.: COVID-19 and Society. Socio-Economic Perspectives on the Impact, Implications, and Challenges. Cham: Springer, 2022. Ch. 6. P. 95-128.

Working paper
Bank Market Power and Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence from Loan-Level Data

Popova S., Ivanova N. S., Styrin K.

Bank of Russia Working Paper Series. Серия докладов об экономических исследованиях. Банк России, 2024


101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya str. bld.20, office 541

+7 (495) 772 95 90 add. 22463/ 22484/ 22454

e-mail: bank@hse.ru

HSE Banking Institute meets new freshmen!

HSE Banking Institute meets new freshmen!
On September 26, the Banking Institute met with new students of the "Financial Analyst" master's program. We shared main organizational moments and talked with the first-year students about their goals and expectations from learning.

‘You Can Proudly Call Yourself a Strategic Investor, Not a Speculator’

‘You Can Proudly Call Yourself a Strategic Investor, Not a Speculator’
HSE University’s Online Campus is accepting applications for ‘Master of Finance’, an online programme taught in English at the HSE Banking Institute. The design of the online programme meets the needs not only of current students, but also of working professionals who want to expand their knowledge of financial strategies and learn how to increase their investments and diversify risks.

How to pass CFA Level 1 in 2022 successfully: Students' experience

HSE Banking Institute second year students of the Master's degree “Financial Analyst” Daria Karmanova and Alexey Kucher recently passed the CFA Level 1 exam successfully, which they took together in Baku in August this year. We asked students to share their experience, impressions and future plans.

“Financial Analyst” Meets New Freshmen!

On the 1st of September an organizational meeting was held for first-year students of the master's program “Financial Analyst”. The content included the presentation of the program and features of the educational process, Q&A session, discussion and even a coffee break. Students attended the event in person and online: everyone had the opportunity to briefly talk about themselves and their expectations from studying at the program.

Webinar "CFA exam: how to pass and why financial experts need it today?"

August 18th HSE Banking hosted a webinar for our online Master of Finance (CFA Institute University Affilation Program) applicants.
All news