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101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya str. bld.20, office 541

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e-mail: bank@hse.ru

The Palgrave Handbook of Unconventional Risk Transfer

Solodkov V. M., Tsyganova Y.

Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions by emerging country banks: What do acquisition premiums tell us?

Yildirim C., Tensaout M., Belousova V.

Research in International Business and Finance. 2023. Vol. 66.

Book chapter
Post-industrial, Post-pandemic? The Service Economy in the Wake of COVID-19

Belousova V., Chichkanov N., Krayushkina Z. et al.

In bk.: COVID-19 and Society. Socio-Economic Perspectives on the Impact, Implications, and Challenges. Cham: Springer, 2022. Ch. 6. P. 95-128.

Working paper
Bank Market Power and Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence from Loan-Level Data

Popova S., Ivanova N. S., Styrin K.

Bank of Russia Working Paper Series. Серия докладов об экономических исследованиях. Банк России, 2024

Online workshop with Alexander Kudrin, Managing director of ATON, and Anton Malkov, Head of the Department for the Organization of Transactions in the Capital Market at Tinkoff Investment Banking

*recommended age
Event ended
On December 13, at 20:00 Moscow time, an open seminar of the master's program "Financial Analyst" will be held. As part of the research seminar "Current problems of Financial Analysis", Alexander Kudrin, Chief Strategist at ATON, HSE Banking Institute Faculty Member, and Anton Malkov, Head of the Capital Market Transactions Department at Tinkoff Investments, will deliver a lecture for students and applicants of the master's degree programs "Financial Analyst" and "Finance".

Seminar topic: Specifics of the Investment Banking Departments

The speakers are:

- Alexander Kudrin, Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Chief Strategist, Managing director of "ATON";

- Anton Malkov, Head of the Department for the Organization of Transactions in the Capital Market at Tinkoff Investment Banking.

Language of the event: English

Format of the seminar: online

When: December 13, 20:00 (Moscow time)

Participation is free, you need to register:

To register for the seminar